Success StoryKentucky Extension Master Gardener Program Social Media

Kentucky Extension Master Gardener Program Social Media

Author: Richard Durham

Planning Unit: Horticulture

Major Program: Master Gardener

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The Kentucky Extension Master Gardener state coordinator hasstarted a Facebook page, Posting began in November 2017 and the page has 259followers as of July 2018. Posts include highlighting publications and programsof UK Extension related to home and commercial horticulture as well asre-posting of stories with national horticultural or Master Gardener interest. Thepost with the greatest reach and reaction to date was on April 22, involving ahighlight of the recently revised UK Extension publication, ID-128: HomeVegetable Gardening in Kentucky.  Thepage reach for this post was 5,258 and 96 reactions included 64 likes and 29shares. The @Kentuckymastergardeners Facebook page is also linked to aWordpress blog,,where important notices of interests to Kentucky Master Gardeners are posted.Information about conferences and Master Gardener awards were posted to theblog and simultaneous posted to Facebook, but unlike Facebook, the blog servesas a searchable archive of information to Master Gardeners. To engage readers,posts or re-posts to Facebook have averaged about 3 per week, mostly by KatieFiske, a staff person in the Sustainable Agriculture CSA program, whose work onthis project is supported by Master Gardener funds. The long-term goal is forKentucky Master Gardeners to begin taking an active role in posting to thepage.

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Kentucky Extension Master Gardener Program Social Media

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