Success StoryPromoting Access to Locally Grown Nutritious Foods
Promoting Access to Locally Grown Nutritious Foods
Author: Rita Stewart
Planning Unit: Lincoln County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices & Accessing Nutritious Foods
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Many clients now choose to have their own garden or buy locally grown produce at the local farmers' market in Lincoln County. This Family and Consumer Sciences Agent works very closely with teaching the required certification training for our farmers to participate in the Kentucky Department of Agriculture Farmers Market Nutrition Education Program. In doing so, farm families selling at the farmers market may accept the food instruments distributed to qualifying senior citizens and WIC recipients. Lincoln County's redemption rates for the food instruments are in the top categories statewide. This year, our redemption rate for WIC food instruments increased due to a new program conducted at the farmers market. A large event was held with several community groups, including the Lincoln County Extension Office, participating. Eligible WIC recipients received the food instruments at the farmers market that day and were able to almost instantly redeem them for fresh, locally grown produce.My role was to provide some Kentucky Proud Plate It Up recipe cards featuring ways to prepare those fresh vegetables. Plans are already underway for another event this coming summer with hopes of encouraging even more people to use more fresh locally grown vegetables and fruits. This event was a great example of many agencies working together to encourage and promote healthier eating habits in our county.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment