Success StoryPracticing Lifetime Leadership Skills
Practicing Lifetime Leadership Skills
Author: Paula Tarry
Planning Unit: Barren County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: 4-H and Youth Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Leadership is the ability to take charge and lead others in the right direction. Leaders need to understand varieties of leadership styles, skills and qualities and know in which situations to use them. They acquire trust by being people of good character and they achieve power by empowering others. 4-H offers youth the opportunity to learn and practice leadership skills while providing then the tools to develop the following lifetime characteristics: Responsible citizenship, Planning and organizing, Communication, Decision making, Problem solving, Conflict resolution, Critical thinking, Character, Resiliency, Marketable skills, Teamwork, Nurturing relationships (Hendricks, P. A. (1998). Developing youth curriculum using the targeting life skills model (Rev. ed.). Ames, IA: Iowa State University)
A Barren County 4-H member served as KY 4-H Secretary for 2017-18, she had the opportunity to excel and grow as an individual in developing the leadership characteristics outlined above. She was one of the five recipients of the Feltner Outstanding 4-H Teen Leadership Award at the KY 4-H Volunteer Forum. The following is an excerpt from her application:
“Before I joined 4-H, I was a very shy girl that always quivered when I spoke and hid behind my mom anytime I could. All people would see was my hair bow! 4-H has taught me to love talking and speaking to new people. I enjoy assisting the younger youth in 4-H learn that they can become comfortable speaking in front of crowds and peers. The leadership skills, I have acquired from 4-H have also spread to my school life and my personal life. My teachers know me as the student that will speak in front of the class without fear. 4-H has taught me to stand up for myself and to speak my opinions and thoughts. I am no longer the follower I am now a leader true to myself. My leadership skills have all been taught to me in 4-H.
The 4-H program has changed me into a better person and a better citizen. 4-H is an organization that teaches you skills that will be useful for the rest of your life. When I go to local elementary schools and encourage youth to join 4-H, I tell them that they not only get to make lifelong friendships, but also have fun and learn how to become a leader while doing it.
In 4-H you are not only a member but you are part of a family. It is truly a life changing experience to be in 4-H whether it is meeting new people, community service or helping with youth development
My most rewarding experience was the night I was elected to serve as State 4-H Secretary. I was surrounded by my family and all of the people that have played a significant role in all of my 4-H experiences. I feel that holding the position of State 4-H Secretary is not only an honor but it provides me with the opportunity to become a voice for many local, district and state 4-H members and leaders. The reward is knowing that I have the opportunity to demonstrate leadership skills to younger 4-H members as my predecessors did for me. I realize that I am a role model for younger 4-H members and I take this responsibility very seriously!”
This 4-H'er stepped out of her comfort zone many times as she represented and served as an ambasaador for th KY 4-H program. Her enthusiasm is contagious and encouragement to younger 4-H members has been unparalleled, but the biggest accomplishments has been personal as she has no hesitation in communicating with everyone she meets...
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