Author: Nick Roy
Planning Unit: Adair County CES
Major Program: Farm Management
Plan of Work: Strengthening Adair County's Agriculture Industry
Outcome: Initial Outcome
According to the 2012 Ag. Census, the Adair County agriculture industry produced over $53 million dollars in products. While production had increased by $6 million since 2007, the number of farm operators had decreased by 12.7%. Upon further inspection of the data, female operators were found to have decreased at a rate of 30.5% compared to males at only 10.7%.
In response, the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service collaborated with the Columbia USDA Service Center to offer a Women in Ag Conference. The goal of the conference was to make female operators more aware of services and assistance offered to farmers via FSA programs, FSA Loans, NRCS/Soil Conservation, and the Cooperative Extension Service. Speakers from each organization made presentations.
Sixty-one participants attended the program. Survey results revealed that 100% of participants gain knowledge of services and assistance available. When asked which topics where most helpful, 46% reported that financial topics were most beneficial to their operation.
Future collaborations between the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service and Columbia USDA Service Center are planned for the future to further meet the needs of female farmers in Adair County.
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