Success Story2025 Logan & Warren County Annie's Project
2025 Logan & Warren County Annie's Project
Author: Leann Martin
Planning Unit: Logan County CES
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Plan of Work: Community Leadership and Economic Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Women in agriculture play a vital role in farm operations, yet they often face unique challenges. The Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Agents in Logan and Warren County, along with the Horticulture Extension Agent in Warren County, partnered together to design, coordinate, and implement the 2025 Logan/Warren County Annie’s Project. This program served as a beacon of empowerment for women in agriculture, aiming to enhance their understanding of financial, human, legal, production, and marketing risks. The program's educational objectives included strengthening decision-making skills, improving legal and compliance awareness, and advancing marketing and business skills.
The six-week program provided a comprehensive learning experience, covering topics of personality types and communication, farm succession planning, crop insurance, financial management, and business planning. With a combination of workshops, hands-on activities, group discussions, and guest speakers, participants engaged in an interactive learning environment designed to strengthen their farm-business management confidence and skills.
The impacts of Annie’s Project extended beyond personal knowledge growth and directly benefited the participants’ families and farm operations. As a result of the program, 89% of the ladies expressed feeling more comfortable about discussing farm succession with their families; 100% learned something new about the legal processes including probate, trusts, and liability issues crucial for protecting farm assets; 75% learned new cattle marketing strategies; 100% gained new crop insurance knowledge; 95% have a better understanding of farm taxes and how the different types of taxes apply to their operations; 100% feel more confident in farm first aid; 4 indicated they created additional first aid kits to fit their farm operations – ensuring the safety of their families and workers. Additionally, 6 ladies completed their personal goals they set at the beginning of the program, where 100% of the participants made progress towards their goals.
The program also significantly increased participants' overall farm management knowledge, communication skills, and community engagement. As a result of the skills learned during Annie’s Project, 100% of the ladies expressed growth in their confidence in the farm decision-making process and feel better equipped to participate in farm decisions. 19 women from Logan and Warren Counties, representing 56,738 acres, participated in the program and collectively valued the program at $43,500; emphasizing its considerable benefits and reaffirming its success.
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