Success Story#Adulting
Author: Ashley Board
Planning Unit: Caldwell County CES
Major Program: Managing in Tough Times
Plan of Work: Developing Necessary Life Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In a constantly changing world, having life skills is an essential part of being able to adapt and meet the challenges of everyday life. Learning how to communicate with others, create and live within a budget, and prepare nutritious meals safely are necessary skills for life. The Caldwell County 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture & Natural Resources, and Family & Consumer Sciences Agents as well as the Expanded Nutrition Education Program Assistant collaborated to offer the #Adulting series to develop basic life skills among community members. The #Adulting series consisted of several workshops with topics such as Being a Good Employee, Get Organized, Laundry & Cleaning, Car 101, Money 101, Sewing 101, and Cooking 101. Individuals participated in a variety of hands-on learning activities designed to improve these essential life skills.
Thirty-five individuals participated in the #Adulting workshops. Participants were surveyed following the last workshop. All surveyed participants stated they had made at least one change in how they spend their money. 60% of surveyed participants realized they could have more money if they made different spending choices. 80% now know more about how they spend their money and have developed a spending/savings plan. 80% of surveyed participants have used tips from the session to organize at least one room in their home. One participant stated, “Learning social skills was the number one thing I learned during the #Adulting series!”
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