Success Story4-H Country Ham Contest Teaches Communication Skillls
4-H Country Ham Contest Teaches Communication Skillls
Author: Regina Browning
Planning Unit: Shelby County CES
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Youth Life Skill Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
A 2014 study conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that adults felt communication skills were the most important life skill for children to get in order to be successful in adulthood. Participation in 4-H events is one way that youth can gain these skills. The 4-H Country Ham Project has successfully enticed hundreds of youth into giving speeches through the process of curing country hams. Using a fun hands-on project to tie into the speech provides incentive for 4-hers to get involved in this project.
The 4-H Country Ham project provides youth two green hams to take through the curing process over several months. The culmination of the project is the Kentucky State Fair where the participant’s hams are judged, and the youth give a speech on a country ham related topic. The speech score counts for sixty percent of the total score for the contest. Not only are the 4-Hers practicing their communication skills they have a since of accomplishments from producing two country hams.
Twenty 4-H members participated from Shelby County. The youth were given resources and materials to help them prepare their speeches. In addition, they were asked to practice their speech in front of 4-H staff and were given feedback on how to improve before the contest.
The Shelby County 4-H Agent serves as a leader for the State Fair Country Ham Project by working with counties new to the project, coordinating with the State Specialist on ordering hams and supplies and by coordinating the contest at the State Fair. In 2017, 684 youth participated in the Kentucky State Fair 4-H Country Ham Contest by giving a speech and entering their ham for judging. This required 32 speech judges, 14 room hosts, 8 ham judges, and numerous other volunteers that served as runners and recorders during the contest. While the contest requires extensive planning, preparation, and collaborations, the benefits are evident. As a result of this contest, many youth gave a speech for the first time or improved their communication skills by presenting in front of the speech judges. All of the youth received their speech score sheets to see how they did and where they could improve. Many youth join the project for the hands on activity of learning to cure a country ham, but reap the benefit of improving their communication skills thorough the speech component of the project. These communications will benefit them as they become adults
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