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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StorySuper Star Chef

Super Star Chef

Author: Heather Cheek

Planning Unit: Mason County CES

Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Plan of Work: Benificial Lifestyle Choices

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Mason County FCS partnered with the University of Kentucky Nutrition Education Program to bring Super Star Chef to Mason County. This program is a 3-Day Cooking Camp for ages 9-18. Below is a result of the pre and posttests that show the initial outcomes of the camp. This report is based on the data from fourteen (14) respondents to the pre- and posttests. Of these participants, ten (10) were female and four (4) were male. Table 1 presents additional information on the characteristics of the participants.

Overall, pre-post comparisons of participant responses to the assessment instrument show that the program enhanced participant understanding of the nutrition concepts covered in the program. As shown in Table 2, average total score on the test increased from 11.36 in the pretest to 13.50 in the posttest (out of a maximum of 15). Table 3 presents additional information on the number of participants that provided the correct response to each question on the pre-posttest. The pre-posttest also included seven items that measured participants’ cooking self-efficacy. Responses to these seven items were summed to create a cooking self-efficacy score. Pre-post analysis showed that participants’ cooking self-efficacy increased from 24.14 in the pretest to 28.43 in the posttest (out of a maximum of 32).

The post-test also included eight (8) self-assessment of learning gains items. These items asked the participants to indicate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed that they learned the concepts described in each statement (see Table 4). All the respondents (100%) agreed/strongly agreed that they I learned how to wash their hands to remove germs; learned about the amount of fruits and vegetables they should have on their plates; learned the correct way to hold a knife for cutting; learned how to read recipes; and learned how germs can be transferred to food. Also, all the participants (100%) plan to eat more fruits and vegetables after participating in the program.

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of SSC Participants (N=14)

Descriptions                                       Completed pre- or post-test

__________________________       _F                           %________


Male                                                      4                            28.6

Female                                                 10                           71.4

Grade (grade just completed)

2nd                                                          2                            14.3

3rd                                                          3                            21.4

4th                                                          2                             14.3

5th                                                          5                            35.7

7th                                                          1                             7.1

10th                                                        1                             7.1

Previous participation in SSC

Yes                                                         1                             7.1

No                                                          13                           92.9

Table 2: Pre-post Comparison of Total Score (N=14)

Total Score                                                         Mean                    SD                           T test

Total Score (Pretest)                                      11.36                     1.98                        

Total Score (Posttest)                                    13.50                     2.41                        6.51*

Gain Score (Posttest minus Pretest)         2.14                        1.23______________

SD= Standard Deviation; * = the gain score is statistically significant at p<.001

Table 3: Correct Pre-Post Responses to Each Question (N=14)

Item                                                                                                                                      Pre-Test               Post-Test

_______________________________   ___________________________F           %            F              %

1a Dairy as a food group in MyPlate                                                                                    13          92.9        13           92.9

1b Grains as a food group in MyPlate                                                                                  13          92.9        13           92.9

1c Fruits as a food group in MyPlate                                                                                    14          100.0     14           100.0

2 I can dice vegetables safely (yes or no)                                                                              7           50.0        12           85.7

3 Which of these pictures show the right way to hold a knife?                                              0           0.0          14           100.0

4 Circle the picture below that shows the right way to guide food when using a knife 12         85.7        11           78.6

5 How many seconds should you wash your hands?                                                               14         100.0     14           100.0     

6 What should you use to get germs off your hands?                                                             14          100.0     14           100.0

7 How do germs get transferred to food?                                                                               10         71.4        10           71.4

8 There are four simple steps to safe food. Clean, separate, cook and_______                     2          14.29     13           92.9

9 Recipes serves 4 people but we are having 8 people over for dinner, what should I do?    11        78.6        10           71.4

10 Compare calories in beverage (nutrition labels)                                                                 13        92.9        12           85.7

11 Compare carbs in beverage (nutrition labels)                                                                     11        78.6        12           85.7

12 Compare fats in beverage (nutrition labels)                                                                        10        71.4        13           92.9

13 How many minutes a day should a kid be physically active?                                              11        78.6        13           92.9

Table 4: Student Self-Assessment of Learning Gains (N=14)

Items                                                                                    Strongly Agree/Agree                             Strongly Disagree/Disagree

                    F              %                                            F              %

I learned how to wash my hands to remove germs.             14           100                                        -              -

I learned about the amount of fruits 

and vegetables I should have on my plate.                            14           100                                         -              -

I learned the correct way to hold a knife for cutting.              14           100.0                                     -              -

I learned how to measure ingredients.                                  13           92.9                                        1              7.1

I learned how to read recipes.                                               14           100.0                                     -              -

I learned how germs can be transferred to food.                  14           100.0                                     -              -

I learned how to read nutrition labels.                                  13           92.9                                        1              7.1

After participating in the program, I intend to

eat more fruits and vegetables.                                            14           100.0                                     -              -____

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