Success StoryKY Teen Conference
KY Teen Conference
Author: Valerie Stewart
Planning Unit: Powell County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Improving Leadership Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Through the 94th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference, 4-H’ers from across the Commonwealth developed leadership and teamwork skills, improved communication skills, became involved in civic life, expanded knowledge related to a 4-H core content area: communication/citizenship, health, natural resources, agriculture, expressive arts, family consumer sciences, and science, engineering, and technology. The participants fostered a sense of belonging through networking, engaged in youth-adult partnerships, and became acquainted with the University of Kentucky to aid in college and career readiness. There were 9 senior level 4-H’er’s in attendance at this leadership conference of 590 teen leaders – the highest number of participants in Powell County’s history. For most of the delegation it was their first time attending the conference, and their first time staying overnight in a residence hall at the University of Kentucky. The dynamic learning opportunities delegates participated in during the conference were made possible by the event sponsor, Farm Credit Mid-America.
Through 4-H Teen Conference, delegates gained six hours of instruction in a core content area of their choice led by an expert in the field. Over forty departments within the University of Kentucky, agencies in the Lexington-Fayette County area, and local stakeholders conducted the learning experiences for 4-H Teen Conference delegates. 87% of delegates learned something new by participating in the core content area of their choice. As a result of 4-H Teen Conference delegates reported they are interested in learning more about majoring or finding a career in the following areas (in order of interest): science, engineering and technology, health, agriculture, leadership/citizenship, communication, expressive arts, family consumer sciences, and natural resources 71% of the delegates reported they were likely to attend the University of Kentucky as a result of attending 4-H Teen Conference. Additionally, one (1) Powell County Senior changed her post high school plans of attending a trade school to attending a college or university as a result of her participation in this leadership conference.
4-H’ers expressed their satisfaction with 4-H Teen Conference, “I absolutely love 4-H Teen Conference, it is one of the best conference experiences! I love meeting new people and seeing my old friends again.” 4-H parents expressed their satisfaction with 4-H Teen Conference, “Thank you for the awesome week for my child. She had a great time and is in love with 4-H. It has definitely brought her outside of her box.” Delegates reported the greatest benefits of 4-H Teen Conference are: having fun, developing leadership skills, expanding personal network and making new friends, gaining 4-H program skills, and expanding 4-H knowledge.
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