Success Story4-H Country Ham Project
4-H Country Ham Project
Author: Michael Rose
Planning Unit: Adair County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: Strengthening Adair County's Agriculture Industry
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Adair County 4-H members have again proven their dedication to agricultural traditions and public speaking skills. This year's 4-H Country Ham Project has not only instilled valuable life skills in these young individuals but has also strengthened their connection to their agricultural heritage. By participating in this project, they have gained a deeper appreciation for the time, effort, and expertise required to produce a high-quality country ham.
Thirty-seven dedicated 4-H members from Adair County participated in the Country Ham Project this year. Each youth received two hams to cure, totaling over $4,000 in product value. The project culminated in the Kentucky State Fair, where members exhibited their cured hams.
The culmination of their efforts was the Kentucky State Fair, where their cured hams were judged on factors such as flavor, texture, and appearance. In addition to learning how to cure country hams, 4-H members honed their public speaking skills by delivering informative and engaging speeches on various ham-related topics. Their presentations showcased their knowledge and enthusiasm, leaving a lasting impression on judges and audiences alike.
The annual Country Ham Auction raised over $10,000. These funds will be used to support youth who sold hams and to fund the 4-H Country Ham Scholarship, which was sold for $5,400 this year.
Through this project, youth gained valuable skills in food preservation, public speaking, and project management.
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