Success StoryFCS Professional Development
FCS Professional Development
Author: Sally Mineer
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Outcome: Initial Outcome
I serve as the FCS Extension Specialist for ProfessionalDevelopment. I work with all new hiresin FCS Extension and continue to mentor or help any FCS agent as needed. This process begins with the on boarding atnew agent training on campus. I organizethe entire 3rd day of training to help them understand all theresources available to agents and make the connections between county andcampus. Last year I also organized aProfessional Development day with FCS hires from the last two years and wereviewed information and had guest speakers on subjects that agents had themost questions on. One agent in theevaluation said “today was great, good practical information we needed”. I do an office visit with each of these agents and at thattime they can ask me questions, get advice, or just talk. No question is offthe table and then I assist in getting help or directing them to who can help.In the past year I have received phone calls, emails and they all end with howhelpful it is to have someone to ask. Each of these agents also have a mentorbut they know that I can connect them with all of the resources that UKExtension has and I try to be available all the time. One bonus of my positionis that I have also had some veteran agents contact me to help or discussissues they are having. Here is also a quote from one agent who has now beenworking for over one year and had a very rough start in her county. “Over the past two years as a new agent, I have been able to turn to Sally Mineer with any questions that I havehad. She has done so much to help me from going out of her way to attend ahomemaker council meeting at night with me in an effort to help resolve issueswith Extension Homemaker leaders to emailing just to check in on me. Sally is agreat resource for all new FCS Agents.”
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