Success StoryLeadership Symposium

Leadership Symposium

Author: Kellsey Agnew

Planning Unit: Campbell County CES

Major Program: Leadership

Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development - Leadership

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Results from the most recent University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Statewide Community Needs Assessment identified needs across the state. The number two identified youth development need in Kentucky was youth life skill training opportunities (e.g., leadership and communication skill building opportunities). Furthermore, Campbell County respondents identified this need as the number one concern for youth development in Campbell County.

Campbell County 4-H met with teachers from Dayton and Southgate schools earlier this fall. The schools needed an opportunity to provide leadership, team building, and communication opportunities for middle school students. As a result of this meeting, it was determined that Campbell County 4-H would host a leadership symposium for 6th-8th grade students for Dayton and Southgate schools. In collaboration with Dayton gifted and talented teachers, Southgate gifted and talented teachers, and Campbell County 4-H staff a program was planned not only to meet the request of the schools but also to address the needs identified in the Community Needs Assessment. Using 4-H leadership and communication curriculum workshops were designed to engage youth in leadership, team building, and communication. Community members were brought in to discuss the importance of leadership and how as young people they can have influence in their schools and communities.

On December 13th, 32 young people grades 6th-8th, and 8 adults (teachers, staff, and community members) attended the Leadership Symposium hosted at the Campbell County Extension Office. Before the day ended youth from each school collaborated to identify a need in their school or community that they as a group could address. They intend to return to school to begin working on their respective projects. One youth stated, “I am excited to use what I have learned here today to begin being a leader on my basketball team.”  Another said, “I did not realize I could make a difference while I was still in middle school.” 

Evaluation results show:

96% of participants indicated yes to the question “I worked in a team/group to accomplish a common task or goal.” 

90% of participants indicated yes “I realized how my actions impact others.”

81% of participants indicated yes “I served in a leadership role.”

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