Success StoryCAIP/YAIP Advertisement
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Author: Jessica James
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Plan of Work: Agricultural Practices
Outcome: Initial Outcome
I noticed that there wasn't very many producers applying for Cost Share funds in Henderson County. The ones that were applying were the same ones year to year it seemed and although that is great, I decided to have an educational session on applying for Cost Share Funds in hopes to get more participants. The Ag Development Council recommended doing a program similar to this with the goal of having more producers apply for cost share funds. I reached out to farming families. I also had representatives from Kentucky Office of Ag Policy to come and speak on where the funding comes from and answer any questions that participants may have.
I had 21 participants attend this meeting and they asked a lot of good questions in order to clarify some confusions that come along with applying for Cost Share.
The outcome of this program was great because I have noticed more producers showing interest in applying for funds and even some producers that didn't know anything about it have shown interest in wanting to know more about what will qualify and how to apply.
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