Agriculture and Extension Leadership DevelopmentMajor Program
Total Hours
with Local Stakeholders.
of Multistate Efforts.
Total Number
of Volunteers Engaged.
Program Indicators
Number of clients trained in agricultural leadership development |
331 |
Number of clients who advocated for agriculture and/or environmental issues to elected officials |
424 |
Number of clients who shared information about agriculture and/or environmental issues with elected officials |
457 |
Number of clients who advocated for agriculture and/or environmental issues locally |
864 |
Number of clients who shared information learned from Extension about local agriculture and/or environmental issues |
1578 |
Number of people impacted by Advisory Councils,community organizations, and other volunteers including County Ag Investment Program (CAIP), Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee, farm bureau, county fairs, festivals, etc. |
13079 |
Number of clientele increasing agriculture awareness due to Extension Programming |
5625 |
Number of producers who mentored, advised or assisted new and/or young producers in agriculture |
292 |
Number of people trained by Extension who serve as members/ leaders of advisory councils, community development committees and/or in leadership roles with agriculture organizations |
553 |
Stories Behind the Numbers
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment