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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Success Stories By MajorProgram FY2025Jul 1, 2024 - Jun 30, 2025

Celebrating Agriculture 2024: A Growing Legacy

Author: Chuck Flowers

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Celebrating Agriculture 2024: A Growing Legacy

Describe the Issue or Situation.With a staggering $1 billion impact and $359,967,000 in products sold across 960 farms, WAVE AG Day 2024 once again spotlighted the vital role of agriculture in Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, and Hickman Counties. Held for the seventh year, the event took place on August 1 at Columbus Belmont State Park, running from 7:30 AM to 12:00 PM. The familiar theme, "Let’s Grow With It," continued to inspire the agricultural community.Describe the Outreach or E

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CPC Livestock & Dairy Evaluation Contest

Author: Christopher Schalk

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Describe the Issue or Situation.Each year CPC hold an annual field day for over 15 years a youth livestock judging contest has been a part of the event.  2024 saw the addition of a dairy cattle evaluation contest as well.Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).The participants show a very wide range of skills and overall readiness for such an event.  Some students were well prepared by parents, extension agents, and agriculture teachers prior

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Bath County Agricultural Fair

Author: Alexandra Sallie

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Describe the Issue or Situation.Parents of young children struggle at times finding fun, safe and educational activities through the summer.  There is also a need for kids to showcase their 4H projects and talents in a nurturing and productive way.  Both of these groups can benefit from 4H summer programs that focus on healthy competition and recognition of their hard work and ways that 4H and extension can provide fun, educational activities during the summer that will help them becom

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Bad Weather Has a Silver Lining for 14th Annual Market in the Park

Author: Sarah Fannin

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Morgan County Extension Council volunteers are actively engaged in organizing and supporting “Market in the Park” to inspire a “grow local, eat local, buy local” mentality that celebrates our community’s creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, while fostering economic growth within Morgan County.Traditionally, conducted the first Saturday in August at West Liberty’s Old Mill Recreational Park, the event brings together over fifty Farmers Market members, local a

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Youth Livestock Judging Contest

Author: Adam Thomas

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Describe the Issue or Situation.Each year CPC holds an annual field day and a youth livestock judging contest has been a part of the event.  2024 saw the addition of a dairy cattle evaluation contest as well.Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).The participants show a very wide range of skills and overall readiness for such an event.  Some students were well prepared by parents, extension agents, and agriculture teachers prior to the event

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CAIP/YAIP Advertisement

Author: Jessica James

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

I noticed that there wasn't very many producers applying for Cost Share funds in Henderson County. The ones that were applying were the same ones year to year it seemed and although that is great, I decided to have an educational session on applying for Cost Share Funds in hopes to get more participants. The Ag Development Council recommended doing a program similar to this with the goal of having more producers apply for cost share funds. I reached out to farming families. I also had repres

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Madison County Home, Farm, and Garden Expo Success

Author: Brandon Darst

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Madison County Extension Agents want and need to bring attention and awareness to the local community to keep Extension from being the "Best Kept Secret." Madison County Extension Council decided to host an event that will help bring attention and awareness to the unique resources available through the Madison County Extension Office.The Madison County Extension Home, Farm, and Garden Expo utilized various venues for outreach to share about the event including billboards, radio announc

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Bonnie Sigmon Farmers Feast 2024

Author: Victor Williams

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Bonnie Sigmon Farmers Feast: Addressing the Need for Agricultural Investment in YouthLaurel County faced a pressing challenge: insufficient funding for programs aimed at promoting agricultural practices among the youth. Specifically, local FFA (Future Farmers of America) chapters at North and South Laurel High Schools lacked the necessary resources to enhance their efforts in preparing the next generation of agricultural leaders.Partners and Collaboration Recognizing the importance of inves

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Agriculture Leadership Makes a Difference

Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Describe the Issue or Situation.The problem: Agriculture, like any industry needs leaders to promote it so that it continues to grow.The educational program response: In 2012,Muhlenberg County corn and soybean farmer Brent Gatton, approached this agent about participating in the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Food and Environment program known as (KALP) Kentucky Ag Leadership Program. His nomination to participate in the two year leadership program was successful.The particip

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Connecting livingston County Farmers

Author: Adam Barnes

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Connecting Livingston County Farmers with Grant Opportunities Livingston County Agriculture & Natural Resources (ANR) hosted a successful Grant Informational Meeting in Grand Rivers, Kentucky. This event, organized by Livingston County ANR, provided an invaluable platform for local farmers to learn about various grant opportunities and assistance programs available to them.The meeting brought together representatives from several organizations, including the Kentucky Center for Agricult

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Leadership Development

Author: Patrick Hardesty

Major Program: Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development

Extension programs that thrive have one thing in common . . . great leaders!  Extension Council members are trained so they may understand their responsibilities as leaders of an umbrella group guiding Extension programming.  To help promote local producers, the Extension Council developed approximately 1000 Taylor County Direct Sales brochures promoting local goods.  To help understand the community, the Extension Council on-the-move has been implemented where each year different

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