Success StoryPesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
Author: Ricardo Bessin
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Chemical Management
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
This is a service-oriented educational program that trains, certifies, and licenses both Private and Commercial applicators to use Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP) or pesticides as part of their commercial businesses. EPA requires that only trained and licensed applicators can purchase and use RUPs as they pose greater risks than other products. Private Applicators are farmers that use RUPs to produce agricultural commodities. Currently there are 10,653 licensed Private applicators who are trained/retrained every 3 years at no cost through their local county extension office, which helps them safely produce crops while protecting themselves, the environment, and consumers. This program is free to farmers allowing them to be trained and licensed the same day.
Through a memorandum of agreement with the Kentucky Department of Agriculture (KDA), the University of Kentucky’s Entomology Department coordinates the program, developing educational materials, training county extension agents, and reporting to the KDA and EPA. This ensures that farmers can continue farming safely and efficiently.
While the KDA tests and licenses Commercial Applicators, the UK PSEP program provides initial training manuals to meet the EPA core competency requirements as well as providing CEU opportunities. There are approximately 9,000 commercial applicators in 15 different categories of certification that must obtain 12 approved CEU credits every 3 years. Many of these training are offered through various UK educational programs.
UK works closely with the KDA to ensure the smooth operation of these programs, minimizing disruptions to farms and businesses while promoting the safe use of pesticides.
Stories by Ricardo Bessin
Use of AI to translate 2 additional pesticide training manuals into Spanish
Describe the Issue or Situation.EPA has recently mandated chemical manufactures to produce bilingual... Read More
Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
This is a service-oriented educational program that trains, certifies, and licenses both Private and... Read More
Stories by Entomology
Use of AI to translate 2 additional pesticide training manuals into Spanish
Describe the Issue or Situation.EPA has recently mandated chemical manufactures to produce bilingual... Read More
Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
This is a service-oriented educational program that trains, certifies, and licenses both Private and... Read More
Stories by Chemical Management
Use of AI to translate 2 additional pesticide training manuals into Spanish
Describe the Issue or Situation.EPA has recently mandated chemical manufactures to produce bilingual... Read More
Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP)
This is a service-oriented educational program that trains, certifies, and licenses both Private and... Read More
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment