Success StoryWeighing for Success
Weighing for Success
Author: Tad Campbell
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Livestock Production
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Beef Production in Mason County is a major revenue to the livestock sector with nearly 25,000 head according to the 2015 agriculture statistics. As the future of tobacco production looks bleak, more producers are focusing higher management levels to beef herds to increase on-farm income. Over the last 6-7 years, the Mason County Extension Service has worked with producers to better antiquate beef production through weighing weaned calves and follow-up weighing before selling to see gains. Producers are ultimately producing pounds in a commercial herd and by getting accurate weights of weanling calves, decisions on genetic selection, feed rations, breeding dates, and herd health can be made to help increase net profits of the operation. In the beginning a couple of farms participated in the demonstration, however, now over 10 farms have weighed weaned calves to get data for decision making on their operation. The demonstration made producers aware of the need for increased weaning weights to market more pounds for the operation. The demonstration also allowed producers to cull cows that were consistently weaning smaller calves to be more efficient with overall herd costs. Since the demonstration began, four producers have purchased scales for their farming operation to maintain a higher management for producing pounds while being able to use the scale as a tool to help make decisions on culling and herd performance. The demonstration is popular among those participating with producers setting dates to weight calves prior to weaning and projected marketing dates. Those producers have encouraged neighbors and other beef producers to become more aware of the pounds they produce and how using a scale can help with the efficiency of beef production in any size herd.
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Weighing for Success
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