Livestock ProductionPlan of Work
Mason County CES
Livestock Production
Sustainable Agriculture
Agents Involved:
Tad Campbell, 4-H Agent
Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Pesticide Safety – Livestock Pests
With the uncertainty of tobacco production and continued grain price drops over the last year, more of Mason County fields are seeing an increase of forage conversions. Producers are returning to livestock production to generate farm income, primarily beef cattle. Mason County has traditionally been views as a tobacco and cattle county and now with other commodities returning to normal pricing structure, cattle numbers are increasing for the county. Other types of livestock such as sheep/goats and hogs also seem to be slightly increasing. Youth livestock interest has been a part of the increasing numbers of livestock. Continuing to educate youth about livestock production is vital for sustainability of the industry.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Local producers working with the IRM project increase quality genetics, narrow calving seasons, and have uniform grouped calves increasing profits for the operations. Producers and youth see increased profits to livestock operations. Producers and youth utilize controlled grazing systems, narrow calving windows, higher health management systems, and improving genetics to develop a profitable livestock operation. Youth involvement in agriculture results in financial gains from livestock enterprises or enter workforce in an livestock field.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Producers utilize tools such as EPDs, breeding soundness exams, nutritional plans, hay testing, or other management tools to increase the efficiency of livestock operations.
Producers and youth select genetics based on production needs and increase herd health management to increase profits. Producers look for more marketing methods to add value to current livestock operation. Producers select replacements using UK/KDA heifer replacement guidelines to reduce risk of calving problems.
Initial Outcomes:
Producers learn methods for controlled grazing through improving forage quality and varieties and gain knowledge to develop rotational grazing layouts. Producers learn to use genetic information to increase livestock quality for farm operation. Youth learn about livestock production through skill a thon, judging programs, and the certified livestock program.
Initial Outcome:
Indicator: producers indicate learned methods
Method: program questionnaire
Timeline: following program delivery
Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: Using new genetics, incorporating quality forages
and grazing systems
Method: Personal contact/mail survey
Timeline: 6 months following program
Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: Increased revenue from practice changes; more efficient management
Method: Phone survey/personal contact
Timeline: 6-8 months following program
Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: # of scholarships for youth, jobs/career youth enter of agriculture basis
Method: follow up evaluation
Timeline: 3-4 years following program
Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: # of youth herds, home grown animals for projects
Method: survey
Timeline: fall shows, state fair
Initial Outcome:
Indicator: skillathon, club meeting quizzes
Method: questionnaire at club meetings
Timeline: annual (fall)
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Livestock Producers
Project or Activity: Master Marketer Program/Grazer/Stocker
Content or Curriculum: Course curriculum for Master Marketer, Grazer, Stocker
Inputs: Extension Office, transportation, materials, food
Date: Winter/Spring
Audience: Horse Owners
Project or Activity: Horse College
Content or Curriculum: Forages, Health, Hoof Care, Nutrition
Inputs: Extension Office, internet delivery, food, materials
Date: Fall
Audience: Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Elite Heifer Sale
Content or Curriculum: UK/KDA Guidelines
Inputs: Sale center, vets, producers, scales, advertisements
Date: October
Audience: Female Farm Owners/Operators
Project or Activity: Farm School for Women
Content or Curriculum: Agents of Buffalo Trace/ UK Specialist/ Volunteer Professionals
Inputs: Extension Office, transportation, materials, food
Date: Winter/Spring
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Livestock Skillathon
Content or Curriculum: Livestock Certification Materials
Inputs: practices, local leaders, livestock supplies, extension office
Date: Spring/Summer
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Livestock Shows
Content or Curriculum: Livestock Certification Materials
Inputs: local leaders, clinics, animals from local farms, extension office
Date: Spring/Summer
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Livestock Safety
Content or Curriculum: Livestock Certification Materials
Inputs: local leaders, program materials, extension office, local producer facilities
Date: Fall
Audience: youth
Project: Livestock & Horse judging
Content: volunteer certification
Inputs: Local trained volunteers, supplies, animals
Date: Spring each year
Audience: Livestock Producers
Project or Activity: Beef IRM Project
Content or Curriculum: Farm Plans developed by IRM Team for local farms.
Inputs: Extension Office, transportation, materials, scales, local farms, IRM Team
Date: Winter/Spring
Success Stories
Leadership from the Show Ring
Author: Tad Campbell
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Tradition across the country for youth to showcase livestock project in the show ring is a major objective for many. For the fifteen minutes of showcasing projects in the show ring, many life skills are gained in the process prior to walking into the ring with the animal. It is well documented that youth gain many skills that foster into adulthood from participating in the youth livestock projects. Those skills help build and strengthen individuals in responsibility and decisi
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Weighing for Success
Author: Tad Campbell
Major Program: Beef
Beef Production in Mason County is a major revenue to the livestock sector with nearly 25,000 head according to the 2015 agriculture statistics. As the future of tobacco production looks bleak, more producers are focusing higher management levels to beef herds to increase on-farm income. Over the last 6-7 years, the Mason County Extension Service has worked with producers to better antiquate beef production through weighing weaned calves and follow-up weighing before selling to see
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Facilities Making Profit
Author: Tad Campbell
Major Program: Beef
With beef cattle production being the major livestock industry in Mason County and tobacco production becoming more limited in the county, focus has shifted to increased management for beef operations. Producers in the county are seeking higher management techniques to increase efficiency and profit in beef production. The Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent along with the University of Kentucky Livestock Engineering Specialists visited two local farms to help design cattle han
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment