Author: Kati Noble
Planning Unit: Breathitt County CES
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to Kentucky County Healthcare Profiles: Breathitt County- Health Indicators from 2014, 39.8% of the adult population in Breathitt County is obese.
Breathitt County SNAP Ed Assistant, Kati Noble, in partnership with Kentucky River Community Care, taught adults the Healthy Choices for Everybody Curriculum. Participants learned; how important it is to eat healthy, ways to save money at the grocery store, and food safety indicated by the use of an entry and exit form.
Behavior change was indicated by comparing each participant’s entry form to their exit form. Participants showed an 80% increase in consumption of fruits and vegetables.
100% of participants showed an increase in food safety practices. Classes such as Healthy Choices for Everybody empowered participants to fight levels of obesity in Breathitt County.
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