Success Story4-H Camp
4-H Camp
Author: Alexandria Brasher
Planning Unit: Henderson County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Promtoting Agriculture, Enviromental, and Technological Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4-H Camp has been a growing tradition in Henderson County in the past four years. Our camping season for 2015 included only 39 participants from Henderson, including campers, teens, adults, and staff. 4-H Camp 2018 was the biggest group from Henderson on record, 125 total from Henderson with 103 campers, 4 CIT’s, 4 teens, 12 volunteers, and 2 extension staff. Of those 103 campers, 51 of them were first year campers which shows the outreach and marketing done to reach and bring more to 4-H Camp. From the 2017 camping season, 64% of our campers returned as a camper or counselor in training which is an extremely high return rate compared to state statistics on returning campers which shows the positive impact 4-H Camp has on our youth. Every Henderson County school, 4-H project club, ethnicity, and family income level is represented at camp. This year we had 10% African Americans, 6% Asian, and 2% Hispanic. The demographics according to the U.S. Census is 8%, Hispanic 2.5%, and Asian .6%,
Many families do not have the disposable income available to send their children to 4-H camp. 4-H camp provides an opportunity for youth to experience nature and the outdoors, as well as gain life skills that will last throughout their lives. Campers get to choose from classes that fit their individual interest. Campers also participate in activities focused on group work and teamwork as well as enjoy a great deal of physical activity.
Several campers have never been away from home or be responsible for all their belongings and actions but Henderson County campers stepped up and three of the seven cabins won cleanest cabin one day during the camp week. I had many parent check in on their kids via the Remind app during the camping week because they were worried about their child because it was their first time away from home. When checking on those youth that the parents were worried about they were busy trying new activities or making new friends, always smiling when I found them to check in on them!
Upon returning from 4-H Camp I have had many parents and campers tell how much they've grown since camp!
One mom wrote " Can’t wait to have my kiddos back and hear all their fun stories. Thank 4h and all the hard working volunteers for offering a fun safe experience.”
Another mom saw me the week after camp and told me that the confidence her two nieces gained was unbelievable! They gained so much in just those four short days and they cannot stop talking about it and can't wait to go back next year!
In many club meetings and out in the community when I see past campers I always get asked when our camp date is next year and their favorite camp story which continues to show the potential for more growth for camping in Henderson County.
Each year as the youth total increases, it also means that our volunteer counselor numbers increase. According to the Kentucky Secretary of State’s Civic Health Index, one hour of volunteer time is equal to $24.14 per hour. For the adults that volunteered from Henderson County this year at 4-H camp that is an astounding $1931.20 translating to $23,174.40 for just four days at camp for the approximately 80 hours they gave during their camping week, not counting the time at orientation and outside of orientation reading materials to prepare for camp!
It is encouraging to see the camp numbers grow, because it means that more and more youth are being given the opportunity to experience all the 4-H Camp has to offer: friendships, gaining knowledge about nature, learning skills such as cooking, gaining self-confidence by staying a week away from their homes, and being around positive role models. This year, Henderson County also had four counselors that were campers in previous years. It is a testament to the impact that 4-H Camp can have on a person's life.
Stories by Alexandria Brasher

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Stories by Henderson County CES

4-H Camp
A 4-day 4-H Camp session offers upwards of 72 hours of direct, uninterrupted contact between youth a... Read More
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Henderson County has a lot of accessible sidewalks and bike riding opportunities.. Youth all over He... Read More
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