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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success Story4-H Camp

4-H Camp

Author: Alexandria Brasher

Planning Unit: Henderson County CES

Major Program: Camping

Plan of Work: Leadership Development

Outcome: Initial Outcome

A 4-day 4-H Camp session offers upwards of 72 hours of direct, uninterrupted contact between youth and their cabin leaders/counselors.  That’s the equivalent of a family sitting down at the dinner table for 30-minutes, 144 days of the year.  The interactions offered in a residential camp/group living setting is so important to youth. The time we spend with youth in the camp setting offers opportunities for those youth to feel a sense of belonging, to have meaningful conversations with caring adults, to practice generosity, group decision-making, they experience new activities they typically do not have access to at home, and they gain independence by taking on the responsibility in keeping track of their belongings and keeping to the camp schedule. The vision of Kentucky 4-H Camping is to serve the citizens of Kentucky and beyond by providing a safe environment for experiential learning opportunities. The mission of Kentucky 4-H Camping is to improve people through intentional life skill development. This will happen through collaboration with local, state, and national partners, research-based methods and programming, service-oriented practices, long-term strategic planning, and play.


This past summer Henderson County took 188 campers that were able to work on responsibility and try new things. Over 100 of the campers this summer were returning campers who were excited to be back at 4-H Camp and take advantage of what 4-H Camp has to offer. Eighty-three campers were first time campers who took advantage of what camp had to offer and most couldn’t wait to come back next year. This year Henderson County too 11 counselors in training, 10 teen counselors, 21 adult counselors, and 2 4-H Agents making the total 233 participants, the second most Henderson County has ever taken to 4-H Camp. Teen and adult counselor go through an intensive training and area able to give back and be a positive role model for campers. Volunteers teach classes, assist with classes, stay in cabins with campers, assist camp staff, and assist campers with anything they need. This year Henderson County volunteers, both adults and teens, came together and had a cookout for the entire camp where they cooked over 500 hotdogs and hamburgers for everyone at camp. Making camp a safe, fun, engaging environment takes a team and Henderson County 4-H has a great group of camp volunteers to make the week successful, a learning environment, and fun for campers! 

Stories by Alexandria Brasher

4-H Camp

4-H Camp

about 8 months ago by Alexandria Brasher

A 4-day 4-H Camp session offers upwards of 72 hours of direct, uninterrupted contact between youth a... Read More

Bike Safety Day

Bike Safety Day

about 8 months ago by Alexandria Brasher

Henderson County has a lot of accessible sidewalks and bike riding opportunities.. Youth all over He... Read More

Stories by Henderson County CES

4-H Camp

4-H Camp

about 8 months ago by Alexandria Brasher

A 4-day 4-H Camp session offers upwards of 72 hours of direct, uninterrupted contact between youth a... Read More

Bike Safety Day

Bike Safety Day

about 8 months ago by Alexandria Brasher

Henderson County has a lot of accessible sidewalks and bike riding opportunities.. Youth all over He... Read More

Stories by Camping

4-H Summer Camp is More Than Fun and Games

4-H Summer Camp is More Than Fun and Games

about 8 months ago by Cathy Fellows

4-HSummer Camp is More Than Fun and GamesA typical 5-day 4-H Camp session offers upwards of96 hourso... Read More

4-H Camp

4-H Camp

about 8 months ago by Alexandria Brasher

A 4-day 4-H Camp session offers upwards of 72 hours of direct, uninterrupted contact between youth a... Read More