Success StoryFinancial Resources for Beginning Farmer
Financial Resources for Beginning Farmer
Author: Don Sorrell
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture
Plan of Work: Improving the Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability of Agriculture Operations
Outcome: Initial Outcome
After a very successful fall 2016 Homesteading and Farm Start program, and based on the program surveys, the request for additional financial support and direction was identified as a need by the beginning farmers. To address this need, the Campbell County ANR agent developed two programs to address opportunities for financial assistance: Ag Organizations and Beginning Farmer Grant Program.
The Ag Organizations program was developed to give beginning farmers an opportunity to understand the grants and low interest loans available through different Ag organizations. The Campbell County ANR agent coordinated two evening programs that brought in representatives from the KY Department of Agriculture, Farm Service Agency, Governor’s Office of Ag Policy, KY Center for Agriculture and Rural Development, Conservation Service and the Cooperative Extension Service. These individuals focused on their programs and financial assistance they offer to beginning farmers.
The Campbell County ANR agent also worked with the Campbell County: Extension District Board, Conservation District, Farm Bureau and Conservancy, to provide a total of $12,000 to be used as grant funds to support beginning farmer projects. Representatives from the Extension Service and Conservation District developed the application and program guidelines for the Campbell County Beginning Farmer Grant Program. Seven applications were approved for this program totaling $10,500 in grant funds. Applicants worked directly with the ANR agent to develop their grant projects. Examples of grant projects included: construction of a new barn, fencing, forage improvement, and establishing 5 new bee hives. This grant program is being updated and will be offered again during the fall of 2018.
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