Author: Cathy Toole
Planning Unit: Henry County CES
Major Program: Agriculture
Plan of Work: 4-H Youth Development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Kentucky State Fair is a culminating event of yearly 4-H project work. Project work is defined by including the following: “(a) Planned work in an area of interest to the 4-H member, (b) Guided by a 4-H adult volunteer who is the project leader, (c) Aimed at planned objectives that can be attained and measured, (d) Summarized by some form of record keeping, and (e) A minimum of six hours of project instruction” (National 4-H Council, 2013). In 2024, Kentucky 4-H members exhibited and participated in 6,612 4-H projects and competitions in Cloverville and 4-H Youth exhibited 2960 livestock projects that included: (a) beef, (b) dairy, (c) dairy goats, (d) market goats, (e) sheep, and (f) swine. Therefore, as youth spend approximately six hours in quality 4-H programs, Kentucky 4-H members spent 57,432 hours enhancing their skills through hands-on project work.
Henry County 4-H’ers were active participants throughout the Kentucky State Fair. The entries in Cloverville were increased by previous years with 106 entries and three class champions. There were 26 participants in the Country Ham project, and they gave speeches during the fair. In the livestock arenas Henry County had showman in swine and beef with several placing and class champions. The best 4-H Ambassador for Henry County was the Kentucky 4-H State President Callie Derossett. Callie was at the fair from the beginning until the end representing the best that Kentucky has to offer in 4-H.
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