Author: Kennedy Perkins
Planning Unit: Lewis County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Production
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Livestock production is prominent in Lewis County. According to the 2022 Agriculture Census there are over 9,000 cattle raised here in Lewis County ranking us 68th in the State. The Lewis County Cattlemen’s Association is a group of dedicated livestock producers that not only promote livestock production but are civic leaders in our community.
Quarterly educational components are planned by the executive committee and the Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent. The recent speakers have been Dr. Kenny Burdine, Extension Professor: Livestock Specialist at the University of Kentucky discussing Cattle Market Updates and Ross Healy, discussing NRCS updates and programs.
Attendance at each meeting is over 50 producers. These producers range from individuals that are just starting out to those that have raised cattle throughout their lives. It is a great time to network with new producers and catch up with old ones.
These programs have encouraged producers to make changes to their operations, especially those interested in the NRCS programs.
Livestock production is prominent in Lewis County. According to the 2022 Agriculture Census there ar... Read More
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Livestock production is prominent in Lewis County. According to the 2022 Agriculture Census there ar... Read More
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