Success StoryHydrangea Toolbox
Hydrangea Toolbox
Author: Savannah Gilbert
Planning Unit: McCracken County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The McCracken County Cooperative Extension Service hosts a Toolbox Garden Series which takes place on the first Tuesday of each month. Every session covers a different topic to educate the public on a variety of horticulture subjects. September’s Toolbox, that took place September 3rd, was all about hydrangeas, which seems to be a common topic in the community. Unfortunately, the Agent who was supposed to present had retired shortly before the planned session. The Horticulture Assistant and Agent worked together to create their own slideshow and presentation so that the Toolbox could continue as planned. The focus was on general hydrangeas, including care, pruning, varieties, etc. One of the most popular topics covered was “why are my hydrangeas not blooming?” There was a great turnout of 60 people, as well as a lot of good questions and discussion amongst the speakers and the participants. The Assistant and Agent now have a great presentation on hydrangeas that they can use for future classes and education. They have also been busy planning for next year’s Horticulture Programs which will include some fresh, new topics, hands on activities, and even some local business visits and tours.
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