Success StoryHarlan County Jr. Homemakers Day Camp
Harlan County Jr. Homemakers Day Camp
Author: Chasity Heck
Planning Unit: Harlan County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Promote Safety, Health, Wellness and Good Nutrition
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the Community Assessment data for Harlan County, the community ranked youth life skills training opportunities among the top 15 needs for Harlan County. The Harlan County Jr. Homemaker Day Camp provided participants with an opportunity to enhance their youth life skills over the period of three days.
Jr. Homemakers from across the county were encouraged to attend the camp. Youth were targeted between the ages of 8-14 years old. Current Jr. Homemaker members were encouraged to attend and newcomers were also welcomed and encouraged to attend the three day program.
Over the course of three day, campers averaged 20 per day. Lessons and activities focused on topics included healthy nutrition, cooking demonstrations, and leadership building. Campers had the chance to spend three days learning new skills and were also given the chance to put the skills into practice. During the four hours at camp each day, participants were taught skills such as how to properly hold a knife, how to read a recipe, and, how to measure dry and liquid ingredients, Participants were able to practice skills during cooking sessions at camp daily as they prepared healthy recipes selected from Plan, Eat, Move.
100% of Jr. Homemaker Campers reported that they gained knowledge regarding the importance of eating whole grains daily. Plan, Eat, Move turkey wrap recipe was reviewed and made by participant to encourage tasting and eating whole grain foods. 100% of campers reported that they increased their knowledge regarding the importance of drinking water. The University of Ky. publication "Water Is The Liquid of Life" was used to teach participants the importance of proper hydration and drinking water instead of sugary drinks. 100% of participants reported an increase in cooking skills knowledge- reporting increased measuring (100%)and improved knife holding skills (100%). Participants were excited for the opportunity to learn about cooking and healthy nutrition. One participant stated "I have had so much fun, and I did not know that I really liked healthy foods like the ones that we have made this week!". One participants grandmother reported, "She was so excited to make the fruit treat for us that we had to stop at the grocery store on the way home yesterday and she actually made the recipe yesterday evening, we all loved it!"
Participants were excited to learn about health and nutrition during the three day camp and are already excited to attend again next year. We look forward to the opportunity to increase the knowledge of campers cooking and proper nutrition.
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