Success StoryImproving Reproduction of the Beef Herd Through Proper Nutrition
Improving Reproduction of the Beef Herd Through Proper Nutrition
Author: Roger "Darrell" Simpson
Planning Unit: Muhlenberg County CES
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Plan of Work: Planning for the Family and Farm
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Describe the Issue or Situation. Increasing conception rates and ultimately the number of calves born and sold is needed to increase the profit for beef cattle farmers.
Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable). An educational program was held to educate producers regarding proper nutrition for replacement heifers and mature cows regarding the nutritional plane needed for conception and calving.
Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.18
Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to describe the change(s) that occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in the community because of the program/outreach. One producer reported that 47 of his 60 cows exposed to sires had calved in 45 days. A one to one survey was utilized to gather input from the beef cattle producer.The producer commented that based on what he learned at the meeting, cows not breeding back in the first two to three 21 day cycles should be culled for a more efficient herd.
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