Success StoryStatewide Horticulture Agent In-Service Training
Statewide Horticulture Agent In-Service Training
Author: Jessica Hopkins
Planning Unit: Harrison County CES
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Describe the Issue or Situation
The Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service sought to enhance the knowledge and skills of horticulture agents across the state to better serve their communities. This was achieved through a statewide in-service training that focused on the latest developments in horticulture, including new research findings, pest and disease management strategies, sustainable gardening practices, and emerging trends in the industry.
Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable)
To address this need, the C1, C2, C3, and C4 County Extension Agents for Horticulture, in partnership with the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture, Food, and Environment, hosted a statewide in-service training. The training took place on September 10-11, 2024, in Lexington, Kentucky, and brought together a diverse group of agents and specialists from across the state.
Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience
Over 49 horticulture agents from various regions of Kentucky participated in the training. The target audience for this program was the entire network of horticulture agents within the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.
Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact
The training provided agents with valuable tools and resources to effectively serve their communities. Participants attended informative presentations, engaged in hands-on activities, and toured state-of-the-art research facilities. Additionally, they had the opportunity to network with colleagues from different regions, share best practices, and identify potential collaborators.
One of the key outcomes of the training was the increased knowledge and skills of the participating agents. By learning about new research findings, pest and disease management strategies, sustainable gardening practices, and emerging trends, agents were better equipped to address the needs of their communities. Furthermore, the networking opportunities provided by the training fostered collaboration and strengthened the overall effectiveness of the Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.
Overall, the statewide in-service training was a success in providing high-quality education and support to horticulture agents throughout Kentucky. The program helped to ensure that communities have access to the information and resources they need to thrive.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment