Success StoryDeer Management and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
Deer Management and Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
Author: Chuck Flowers
Planning Unit: Carlisle County CES
Major Program: Wildlife Habitat and Damage Management Education
Plan of Work: Crop and Livestock Production, Gardening and Horticulture, and Local Food Systems
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Describe the Issue or Situation.
In our region, approximately 85% of farmland is dedicated to crop production. In 2022, hunters utilized 225,343 acres for hunting, resulting in the harvest of 1,194 deer in the Purchase area. To enhance deer management and address Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), Carlisle, Fulton, and Hickman Counties organized a wildlife management meeting.
Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).
The meeting aimed to equip landowners and farmers with effective deer management strategies that minimize impact on their operations. Sarah Christian with KFY led discussions on deer damage, options for handling excess deer and following KY Fish and Wildlife guidelines for removal of deer.
Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.
Thirty-two participants enjoyed a complimentary dinner, generously sponsored by CGB Grain. Brooke Hogancamp the FCS agent in Carlisle County prepared Venison Chili for all to try using the Cook Wild recipe cards. This collaborative effort not only informed clients but also strengthened community ties in wildlife and deer management.
Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact.
The latter part of the event focused on providing updates on CWD and deer checking procedures, presented by representatives from Kentucky Fish and Wildlife. An impressive 100% of attendees reported gaining valuable information to improve wildlife habitats, deer management and CWD check-in practices for deer. Additionally, 80% reported that they will implement one or more practices related to management and deer damage in their operations. 100 % said they were satisfied with the meeting and its length.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment