Success StoryHealthy Choices for Everybody

Healthy Choices for Everybody

Author: Millie Ledford

Planning Unit: Boyle County CES

Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

In the state of KY, only 8.9% of adults consume two or more fruits and three or more vegetables daily. To increase this percentage, the Boyle County Nutrition Education Program Assistant partnered with the Danville Housing Authority to do a seven-week program using the curriculum Healthy Choices for Everybody. During the seven-week series, the NEP assistant went to the housing authority to have participants try new recipes with various vegetables and fruits. She also taught nutrition education lessons which touched on topics such as choosing better beverages, food safety, meal planning on a budget, and choosing healthier food options.

Once the nutrition education series concluded, the participants showed a 100% improvement in their diet quality, and they were eating more fruits and vegetables and drinking less soda. One participant thanked the NEP assistant for helping her realize how much sugar is in the Mountain Dew she drinks daily. She went from drinking six cans daily down to one.

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