Author: Regina Utz
Planning Unit: Trimble County CES
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
Plan of Work: Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Ag Funding Workshop
On June 11th, 2024, Trimble County Extension Office hosted the Agriculture Funding Workshop. In collaboration with multiple entities across the state, the Workshop was presented to bring awareness to the consumers of the county of what funding avenues and business building avenues were available. The presenters included, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, KADF, UK Extension, NRCS, FSA, Trimble County Conservation, KCARD, & KSU.
There were over 60 people in attendance at the event. This has helped people be able to have options and opportunities they never thought possible on their farms. About 40% of attendees were new/beginning farmers. This is a program that will continue for may years!
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