Success StoryDeveloping Leadership and Supporting the Arts
Developing Leadership and Supporting the Arts
Author: Lynnette Allen
Planning Unit: Breckinridge County CES
Major Program: Volunteer Engagement in the Arts
Plan of Work: Strengthening leaders to expand community leadership and economic development
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
According to the 2023 census, the Breckinridge County population is estimated at 21,124. The county is the sixth largest in area, the largest town has a population of 2,385. Neighboring cities that provide many resources are approximately 30-50 miles away. Breckinridge County meets the definition of a rural community and could be considered limited in the opportunities for arts and cultural experiences. To address this during the 2023-24 program year, the Breckinridge County Extension FCS program offered artistic skill development opportunities for the community that included hands-on workshops, art exhibits and support to local youth performing art groups.
With the assistance of the local Extension Homemakers leadership, workshops were held to teach wood crafts, natural material wreaths, creative paper crafts, and sewing projects. Over seventy participants participated in the artistic skill development programs. In addition, local Homemakers provided theatrical set construction for a local high school’s annual musical and coordinated a holiday quilt show to support family heritage. Also, the organization coordinated the annual Family Living Exhibit that includes over 400 handmade crafts and fine arts entries from both the amateur and professional artist. The Homemakers also have completed the second annual Spring Bazaar that provides a local market for artisans to exhibit and sell their works. An additional project has been for the FCS program and the Extension Homemakers to provide support for the newly organized 4-H chorus program with guidance, resources and performance opportunities. An estimated 200 plus hours have been donated and many new connections formed. Art has provided opportunities for Extension volunteers to practice leadership skills through teaching organizing and networking while providing the local community with skill development and cultural enrichment.
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