Success StorySummer of New Foods

Summer of New Foods

Author: Cindy Maggard

Planning Unit: Knott County CES

Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The summer of 2024 the Nutrition Education Assistant in Knott County started a new class with a summer school program.  Knott County is a poverty-stricken area of the state of Kentucky so any help feeding kids is helpful. The children at this summer program range from 6–16-year-olds.  The object of the program is to get them to try a new food they haven’t had yet or something they have tried and didn’t like but wanted to give it a second chance.  

The assistant took a snack to the school that had bananas in it.  Several students stated that they did not like bananas.  The assistant stated to give it a try because it was mixed with other foods, and it may be good.  They all put the bananas on the snack and the ones that stated that they did not like the food said it was good mixed with the other things.  

Overall the kids loved it and said they would be making it at home.  

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