Success StorySweet Summertime at the Farmer's Market
Sweet Summertime at the Farmer's Market
Author: Rachel Hance
Planning Unit: Logan County CES
Major Program: Active Living and Health Promotions General
Plan of Work: Improve Nutrition, Health and Safety
Outcome: Initial Outcome
For the past few years, our extension staff has hosted a community event to educate and invite our clients to the farmer's market. This year's event was Sweet Summertime at the Farmer's Market. The goal of the event is to provide family friendly incentives to youth that encourages families to get active together as well as introduce the youth to the farmer's market and what they can find and how they can benefit from the farmer's market. An additional benefit of this program is the cooperation and partnership with the farmer's market vendors. Youth and families are able to meet the vendors and talk about the items they have to offer. The farmer's market vendors also benefit from the redemption of the farmer's market bucks that are distributed to each youth participant and family as an incentive item. In 2023 we also introduced the 4-H entrepreneurship kids to the event. These youth were able to set up booths during the event to sell their products as well.
We targeted preschool through middle school youth. Each client received a bag with summer family activities and healthy eating educational activities along with farmer's market bucks to spend at the Farmer's Market. In 2023 a total of 150 youth participated in the event and $1299 farmer's market bucks were redeemed the Farmer's Market.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment