Success StoryImpact of Marshall County 4-H Clubs – Part III

Impact of Marshall County 4-H Clubs – Part III

Author: Lena Mallory

Planning Unit: Marshall County CES

Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development

Plan of Work: Empowering Community Leaders

Outcome: Initial Outcome

What do you do in 4-H?  Do the kids do anything?  Is it just cows and cookies?  All questions asked over the years, but a standard form of measuring the Communications, Leadership, and Civic Engagement impact of Kentucky 4-H programming has not been available.  For the 2023-24 program year, Kentucky 4-H has made evaluation tools available with counties able to add their spin as needed.  Marshall County 4-H Youth Development Agent implemented these evaluation tools at the last club meeting for all three County 4-H Club levels – Teen-Middle, Elementary (4th & 5th) and Cloverbuds (K-3).

Beyond the standardized questions asked, the Marshall County 4-H Youth Development Agent went a step further asking the Teen-Middle 4-Hers to identify things the liked; things they learned; and future program/project suggestions.  Below are some highlights from the 21 Teen-Middle 4-Hers who responded.

Things liked about 4-H this year (2023-24):

    Being with friends./The people./Making new friends. (15 responses)

    Community Service/Learning about the community. (7)

    Helping with Cloverbuds and Elementary 4-Hers (5)

    Planning as a group. (3)

Things learned this year because of 4-H:

    Social skills. (3)

    Communications skills. (4)

    More about leadership skills. (7)

    Teaching skills. (3)

Notable quotes from the Teen-Middle 4-Hers:

    “Self-awareness. Impact on others. Part I play.”

    “4-H is awesome!”

    “Be a better me!”

    “I have learned more about leadership, how to plan more things, and how to pitch in with helping community.”

Program/project suggestions for the future made by Teen-Middle 4-Hers:

    Art classes

    Cooking classes.

    More civic engagement/community service.

    Literature based 4-H clubs.

    Sewing classes.

    Game night for 4-Hers!

Based on the above, it was worth asking beyond the standard questions to get more than Yes/No responses.  The responses received by the Teen-Middle 4-Hers prove Marshall County 4-H does make a difference and we have an exciting future ahead!

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