Success StoryWAVE Ag Day 2023
WAVE Ag Day 2023
Author: Benjamin Rudy
Planning Unit: Fulton County CES
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR
Plan of Work: Educating the community on issues that lead to a better Fulton County.
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
One billion dollar impact and $359,967,000 worth of products sold across 960 farms- WAVE AG Day highlights agriculture in Ballard, Carlisle, Fulton, and Hickman County.
After catastrophic rainfall flooding fields and roads, we had to change our regular way of doing things to continue with WAVE Ag Day for 2023. The event had to be moved to the conference building at Columbus State Park.
The 6th year for the event, River Counties WAVE AG Day, took place on July 21 from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm. The theme “Let’s Grow With It” was again the theme for the year.
The WAVE Ag Day is a joint venture including all four county judge executives, the UKY Ag agents in each county, Ag businesses, the county farm bureaus, River Valley Ag Credit, and others. The ANR agents and FCS from each county attended numerous planning meetings throughout the year. Sponsors were obtained to help fund the Ag Day. This year we had 35 sponsors. The platinum sponsors presented five awards: Farmer of the Year, Ag Business of the Year, the Friend of Agriculture Award, Young Farmer award and the Legacy. This year there was the second year for the outstanding 4-H member in the four River Counties.
The day started off with a breakfast in honor and appreciation of farmers, producers and Ag businesses in the four river counties. With an attendance of over 250 people, the group listened to keynotes by Agriculture Commissioner Ryan Quarles, KOAP Director Brian Lacefield and AG Launch Advisor Tom Womack. Special thanks to Tim Hughes for emceeing the event.
Nutrien Ag Solutions presented Jordan Reynolds from Carlisle County with the outstanding 4-H award for the River Counties.
Due to the rain, no booths or tents could be put up this year the event was completely inside. Everyone is looking forward to the event next year. Congratulations to all our agriculture award recipients!
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment