Success StoryLiteracy, Eating and Activity for Preschool in Franklin County
Literacy, Eating and Activity for Preschool in Franklin County
Author: Pamela Holbrook
Planning Unit: Franklin County CES
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In the Spring of 2024, the Nutrition Education Program read books and promoted physical activity to four classrooms, with a total of approximately 80 preschool students, at the Early Learning Village in Frankfort. Each week, the book choice addressed topics such as food groups, healthy choices, trying new things, exercise, and gardening.
Books, such as Clarabella's Teeth and DW the Picky Eater, were accompanied with a snack to highlight the theme of the lesson. For example, DW the Picky Eater is about a girl who has decided she hates spinach. The snack choice for that lesson was baby spinach leaves or a spinach dip to try and the kids did great trying them and the teachers enjoyed snacking as well.
Over the Spring semester, we read lots of fun stories, tried classroom exercises that were good for everyone and snacked on tasty fruits, veggies, tortillas, peanut butter and honey and lots more.
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