Success StoryIndirect education efforts for NEP
Indirect education efforts for NEP
Author: Katherine Shoultz
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The KY Nutrition Education Program, as part of CES, encompasses two separate USDA programs, Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP-ED).
As a part of the SNAP-ED plan for 2017-2018, a marketing campaign was introduced to provide indirect education to limited resource families in conjunction with direct education provided by University of Kentucky Nutrition Education program assistants and University of KY Cooperative Extension Agents. The goal of the campaign is to have families consume more fruits and vegetables; improve food resource management practices and prevent or postpone the onset of diet-related chronic diseases.
Through billboards/buswraps, digital media, newsletters, brochures, annual recipe calendar, and other marketing materials distributed, robust participation in nutrition education classes continued with 850,00 receiving direct education and 11,000 youth who participated in nutrition and food preparation classes. Our youth audience also received education through recipe cards with kid-friendly recipes and USDA tested messages that focused on healthy food choices. The Chop Chop magazine that is distributed twice a year reaches approximately 200,000 families and provides an engaging outlet for youth with nutrition-focused interactive games, activities and easy-to-follow recipes that also include food safety tips.
The Kentucky Nutrition Education Program blog launched in 2018 as a way to reach and engage new audiences as well as provide a platform for NEP assistants to access materials and use with existing clients. Insights show that approximately 1,025 SNAP-Ed qualified individuals are reached each month. The blog includes recipes, kid-friendly activities, physical activity tips and budgeting. Images are Pinterest enabled so that visitors can “pin” their favorite recipes or tips to their Pinterest boards as well.
Facebook continues to provide a platform to reach our target audience, particularly those who may be in remote areas or unable to make it to classes due to other hardships. Our insights indicate that approximately 3,500 SNAP-Ed qualified individuals are reached each month via nutrition, physical activity and food safety tips, including budget-friendly recipes.
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