Success StoryProper Measurement

Proper Measurement

Author: Cindy Maggard

Planning Unit: Knott County CES

Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General

Outcome: Long-Term Outcome

The Nutrition Education Assistant in Knott County does programming at a men’s recovery center.  A lot of men have never been taught how to properly measure and cut when cooking.  The assistant was doing a lesson on food safety and when it came time to prepare the recipe she asked for volunteers.  A few guys came to volunteer and started reading the recipe.  

The assistant had not covered the lesson on proper measuring, so the volunteers was not sure about liquid and dry measuring cups.  

She assisted them and showed them how to properly use them and when to use the right one.  

The participant was so appreciative and said he can now help in the kitchen more with confidence because he now knows the difference and how to use them both.