Author: Brenda Williams
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Challenge was to identify ways to reduce the unhealthy sugars, and salt in their diet.
Kentucky State started a partnership with Shepherd Shelter a rehab for drug addiction treatment center, in September of 2017.
The SNAP-Ed assistant does a weekly class using Healthy Choices for Everybody. The week prior the assistant taught Know the Limits for Everybody. Using the test tube as a visual on how much sugar is in a twelve ounce can of soda. When returning for the next class a client informed the assistant they had reduce their soda intake by 50%. Client also stated trying to increase water into their diet.
The client was drinking six twelve ounce cans of soda a day. Each can contains 30mg of sodium, and 30mg of sugar. The client decreased both sugar, and sodium in their diet by 90mg.
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