Author: Rebecca Hayes
Planning Unit: Carter County CES
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Environmental Education
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Carter County 4-H hosted a pollinator education summer day camp. 13 4-Hers from the ages of 5-14 were in attendance. The day camp consisted of completing 4 activities in the Kentucky 4-H Bee Ambassador program. These activities were honey tasting, Build a Bee, how honey is made, and implementing a pollinator garden expansion. The summer of 2021, the Carter County 4-H Homeschool Club completed the Bee Ambassador program and started the office pollinator garden. It was mainly plants that grew for one year and was not maintained. The summer of 2023, the day camp group doubled the size of the garden and planted pollinator-friendly perennials. They put down gardening fabric as well as mulch to make maintenance easier and allow the garden to flourish over and over again.
Thw doubling of the size, materials, and plants were all possible because of a Kentucky 4-H Foundation Ag Mini Grant with a one-to-one match from the Carter County Soil Conservation for a total of $960 in grant dollars.
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