Author: Vicki Boggs
Planning Unit: Leslie County CES
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation
Plan of Work: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Many individuals have health and wellness concerns. Obesity continues to threaten the quality and years of life of many Kentuckians. The County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Kentucky report shows that 41% of Leslie County’s adult populace have obesity and 42% were physically inactive. A large amount of data shows that healthy eating habits and regular physical activity can help people achieve and maintain good health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer throughout life.
Cooking Through the Calendar is one of the many programs offered monthly by Leslie County Family and Consumer Sciences Agent. It has targeted adults and families since it began in July 2022, providing nutrition education, food safety measures, cooking tips, hands on food preparation experience and more. Participants gather in our kitchen, beginning our lesson by sharing and reading over the recipe from our recipe calendar provided by The Nutrition Education Program, University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. The calendars are a wealth of educational information including nutrition facts per serving, how to make it a Meal, ingredient spotlight and substitutions, along with encouragement to BE ACTIVE and much more! Plate it Up, Kentucky Proud and other UK resources are also used for teaching points during our lessons. Participants enjoyed working together preparing and then tasting the recipes.
ARH, a local hospital for our community has worked diligently as a supporting partner for our Cooking Through the Calendar Program. They have supported participants with incentive grocery gift cards for their attendance along with being there to enjoy the program alongside them.
There were 25 participants enrolled in our Cooking Through the Calendar program. Evaluations were conducted with surveys and comments. 90-95% said they would make the recipes at home. 100% agreed that this program is a great way to try new foods and some of them become favorites. 100% of participants also agree that these recipes are teaching new combinations for variety and promoting healthier eating! Everyone also loves the fellowship that is so important for building strong families in our community.
The obesity epidemic continues to threaten the quality and years of life of many Kentuckians. The f... Read More
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The obesity epidemic continues to threaten the quality and years of life of many Kentuckians. The f... Read More
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