Success StorySaving Money and Relieving Stress
Saving Money and Relieving Stress
Author: Michelle Brock
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: Health
Plan of Work: Improve physical and mental health
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Holidays are expensive and sometimes very stressful. According to the Division of Agriculture at the University of Arkansas, crafting can be a solution. They go on to state that stress is one of our leading health problems. Its effects range from migraines and fatigue to heart failure and early memory loss. Reducing stress reduces disease. The CDC recommends that you give yourself a break if you begin to feel stressed or overwhelmed. They go on to report that spending time outdoors can improve overall health.
The Agriculture and Natural Resource Agent partnered with Stinnett Elementary's Pre-Kindergarten teacher to offer parents of young children a class on how to use natural resources to supplement their holiday decor and thus save money. As part of this program, they also highlighted the benefits of being outside in nature and the relaxation and stress relief that it can provide.
The parents enjoyed fashioning stars out of foraged sticks which were locally and responsibly sourced. They learned about some of the different types of trees and the colors of their bark which would give their creation a completely different look. Each parent took home a decoration and were very excited to create more twig stars on their own for their holiday decor.
The people that were targeted for this program were parents of young children who needed a way to relax and release stress, and parents who could use a way to save a little money for the holiday season.
The participants of the class had a good time and laughed as they learned how to tie their sticks together. They were overjoyed and proud when they saw their haphazard creations become beautiful holiday stars.
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