Success StoryBattling Bed Bugs in Western Kentucky
Battling Bed Bugs in Western Kentucky
Author: Zachary DeVries
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Integrated Pest Management
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Bed bugs remain one of the most challenging pests to manage indoors. While difficult to manage when treatments are performed correctly, these pests are nearly impossible to eradicate when inspections and treatments are not performed correctly. In response to a major bed bug problem in a historical high-rise apartment complex in downtown Paducah that serves elderly and disabled residents, I was invited by the Paducah City Fire Marshal to inspect the complex and determine why current management practices were failing. Upon review, I discovered significant problems with inspections (multiple units marked at “un-infested” with active infestations) and treatments (multiple units recently treated with substantial bed bugs problems). I documented these problems in a report, which was submitted to the City of Paducah and has since been used to ensure pest management is properly conducted at this property, such that bed bugs are dealt with quickly and effectively. I have continued conversations with the City of Paducah to ensure this problem continues to be properly addressed.
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