Success StoryPawpaw Leader Lessons
Pawpaw Leader Lessons
Author: Megan Treadway
Planning Unit: KSU Administration
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The Pawpaw is a nutritious native tree fruit in Kentucky, but many individuals do not know how to find this seasonal fruit or what to do with it once harvested. At the request of Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association (KEHA) members across the region, the Area Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences developed lesson materials to educate individuals on foraging, harvesting, processing, and cooking pawpaw fruit. These materials were used for a monthly homemaker lesson in 19 counties in the western region of the state.
The agent facilitated this lesson for KEHA club leaders in eight counties and materials were distributed to club leaders in an additional 11 counties. Each leader then taught the lesson at their individual club meeting, reaching over 600 homemakers across the region. Additionally, the agent collaborated with the Kentucky State University Horticulture Research and Extension Associate to deliver the program at the Kentucky State Fair.
A total of 212 individuals participated in the agent-led pawpaw programs. According to a program survey, 76% of participants reported that their knowledge of foraging and harvesting pawpaws increased significantly and 100% of participants reported they gained knowledge of pawpaws in cooking and felt confident in their ability to prepare a recipe with pawpaw fruit because of programming efforts.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment