Success Story4-H camp survey results
4-H camp survey results
Author: Sherri Farley
Planning Unit: Campbell County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
4-H Camp offers more hours than any other delivery method in 4-H. It provides opportunities for youth & teens to learn independence, gain life skills that will carry them into successful adulthood, become positive & productive members of our society & learn how to acquire skills in a natural setting. Camp helps build self-confidence and self-esteem. 4-H Camp is a place to build social skills and make friends.
In 2023, Campbell County 4-H experienced the 2nd highest camp attendance in county (and state) history!!
Based on the results of 70 parent/guardian surveys, 88% of the campers showed a positive change in their willingness to try new things, 73% showed a positive change in the ease of making new friends at camp, and 89% showed positive change in learning new life skills at camp.
According to a parent of a camper, “our son was a new camper. He really hasn’t spent the night out much either, so this was HUGE for him. He is a really shy and anxious kid, so for him to do this was amazing. He loved all his classes, counselors, and all the dances/singing. We know this will help with his anxiousness and his confidence, we are so proud of him, and he is proud of himself too!”
Another parent stated, “she came home with a new confidence that I hadn’t seen before” while another parent said, “our son has high functioning autism and needs a lot of adult supervision but the ability to be included and engaged with peers is a huge opportunity for him.”
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