Success Story Estill County 4H junior cooking club
Estill County 4H junior cooking club
Author: Jessica Webb
Planning Unit: Estill County CES
Major Program: Nutrition and Food Systems General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Estill County Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Assistant partnered with the Estill County 4H Assistant and a 4H volunteer for the Estill County 4H junior cooking club. The Recipe for Life youth curriculum was used, and the focus of the club was hands on cooking. There were 16 participants in the club, and it took place one time a month. The youth really enjoyed the hands-on cooking, and they were broken up into groups to prepare recipes that they sampled at the end of each lesson. The last program day the youth completed the exit youth survey and participated in a cooking challenge. One of the participants exclaimed that they had so much fun learning to cook and learning all about food safety and kitchen safety.
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