Success StoryWinter Cover Crop Giveaway for Community Gardens and Jefferson County Residents
Winter Cover Crop Giveaway for Community Gardens and Jefferson County Residents
Author: Jennifer Palmer
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Plan of Work: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Urban Forestry
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The problem found within community gardens is soil erosion and poor soil quality due to over production of the crops. A secondary problem is allowing the soil to lay bare in the off season and this allows the soil to further erode and nutrients to be lost with each weather occurrence. The other concern is water quality issues in the garden and surrounding areas. An ongoing problem is weed control and this exacerbated during the off season when the ground is allowed to be farrow.
The educational program response was welcomed from 10 community gardens that have over 380 gardeners who now have access to cover crops and from community members from Jefferson County. Education workshops were provided from Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District and handouts were distributed with the seeds. The 2023 Garden Cover Crop seed Winter Kill Mix include Winter Wheat, VNS Winter Oats, Austrian Winter Peas, Rape Seed and Crimson Clover. This mix will protect the soil from erosion, improve soil structure and add nutrients back into the soil.
The participants/target audience - Gardeners at the ten community gardens and residents of Jefferson county
Other partners (if applicable)
Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District
Program impact or participant response. This program allowed 2500 lbs of cover crop seeds to be distributed in Jefferson county. The cover crops will improve the soil quality of the community gardens by acting as a fertilizer and by helping prevent soil erosion. The cover crops will also have the benefit of improving water quality in the area by preventing runoff. Another benefit will be an increase in wildlife habit over the winter thus added a layer of beauty in an area that would be bare and creating a green space for the neighboring houses to view. The gardeners will also benefit from weed suppression that the cover crops offer during the off season.
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