Success Story4-H Camp Back on Track
4-H Camp Back on Track
Author: Joe Maynard
Planning Unit: Martin County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Better Living Through 4-H Programming
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Because of all the hardships youth struggle with to get quality experiences, it is important that 4-H does everything we can to provide Martin County students with positive experiences. According to only 54% of Martin County citizens have a high school diploma, 37% live in poverty and only 25% hold jobs. Of the people employed, the median household income is only $21,859 compared to $40,267 for the state of Kentucky. All schools in Martin County qualify for the national free lunch program. These statistics alone provide barriers for youth in Martin County to have a great quality of life. When problems with infrastructure, clean water, and drug abuse are added these barriers grow even more.
As illustrated above, most families cannot afford to pay over $200 for 4-H camp. Martin County 4-H works hard to raise money throughout the year to pay for potential campers. With fundraising efforts and help from the district board, and Martin County Youth Service Centers, we were able to provide a scholarship for every camper that needed the help.
One of the best programs to provide a positive impact for struggling youth is 4-H camp. Youth gain multiple benefits from 4-H camp experiences in the areas of leadership, character development, self-esteem, decision-making skills, independent living skills, and citizenship. This year was a rebuilding year for camp post pandemic. We were able to raise our numbers back up to 45 campers. That was over a 50% increase over the previous year.
As a result, 100% of the campers experienced hands-on learning from caring adults, gain leadership, independent living, citizenship, and decision-making skills. They also gained character and self-esteem.
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