Success Story4-H Camp
4-H Camp
Author: Catherine Weaver
Planning Unit: Jessamine County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Improved Communication, Family, and Life Skill Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
4-H Camp has a long-standing tradition of teaching youth the 4 elements of the circle of courage in a concentrated week. Belonging, Independence, Mastery, and Generosity are seen in every activity at camp. In a full capacity return from covid, Jessamine County had 362 total people attend camp, the second highest number on record. Of those, 129 youth were first time campers, which is a much larger number than previous years. Jessamine County had 155 youth return to camp which is an increase in returning campers from years past. This year, Jessamine County 4-H partnered with Mercer County 4-H to provide a weeklong camping experience that helped campers and counselors alike learn and be a part of the 4 elements, having 451 total participants there. Prior to camp, approximately 82 teen and adult leaders went through 24 hours of training, learning leadership, problem solving and teambuilding to help campers have a successful week. One counselor said “Through the training we participated in I was able to feel more comfortable for the camp week, and ultimately give my campers a better experience” The 82 leaders had a total of 8,280 volunteer hours for the camp week. Upon return from camp, Jessamine County 4-H had several phone calls, emails, and messages about the amazing experience each of their young people had at camp. One parent stated that this was her child’s first time away from home, and she appreciated all we did to ensure her child had a positive experience even though they got homesick. Another stated that her child says he would live at camp if he could, and that he has gained friends he knows he will have for a lifetime. A camper stated that he knows what being a good person looks like, because camp taught him to be nice to others no matter what. All in all, 2023 Summer 4-H camp was a huge success.
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